Saturday, January 9, 2010

Its been awhile

Yea yea...
I know its been A LONG while since I've written anything.
Writers block..
Then had a huge infulx of inspiration on what to blog bout..But lazy to type cause it was ALOT!

So instead of blogging,let me show you something I did while I was bored and feeling uninspired to study..
Took me half an hour to play with it but hey,I LOVE IT!!

Part 1 of the People in my life :)

Most of the people I love..
and their faces immortalized here..

I love you people!!
And there is definitely more to come but I realized I'm lacking alot of things..
The most important being PICTURES!!!

Hence,I'm in need to hunt down all the pics from those who owe me and those who don't but I still want to steal..hehe..
And that is only 1 part of it...
 Think I am in great need of a camera now.
Need to capture the moments of my life while it slowly slips away.
Want to remember the moments with everyone..
Who knows I might have Alzheimer's one day and the only way to preserve the memory is by capturing it in pictures :)
Then there is also the time to put it up nicely..

Haha,the laziness is kicking in again..

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