Saturday, July 18, 2009

And so once again,I'm down with the weekend flu.Never fails to catch me there seeing that i always wake up with that annoying ithching nose that later translates to a whole day of my nose feeling like this...

And eyes looking like this...

And me just being like this...
Come to think bout it,with H1N1 flying about,I'm not suprised if I'm carrying the virus itself.
Oh wait,no body aches.Oh well...Maybe I'm immune to the strain as I'm always catching viral flu's from nowhere.

Started work in uni's SAD.
Don't laugh,it is what it stands for...SAD!!!

Ok,so i lied,its not that sad a place to work in.Its actually pretty fun,with all the stress and piling work.New students coming in to 'claim' they've sent in documents which is on occasion inexistent (or on our part,we probably lost it but thats not my fault cause I just joined the band wagon).
And if the first sentence of that previous paragraph sounds familiar to you,I'm gonna say it to clarify things..
I need work to sustained me from being idle.I need work to keep me from thinking too much.I need work to kill my boredom.I need work to keep me from being depressed.I need stress to get my pumped up from the day.I need stress cause stress is fun (to me,that is).I need stress cause I love stress (I'm not sick in the head when I say that).
I'm not weird either.Its pretty normal for some people to love work.
And though I complain bout it at the end of the day,I still look forward to the next working day and welcome the madness that follows.
Which probably explaines why I am always itching to work alot.

But work also has its down points.
1) I'm suppose to be on break and on holiday.WORK'S keeping me from it.I can take leave off but when I get back,the work load is doubled.No fun there.

2)Tis the time when friends are coming back from Timbaktoo and God knows where.No time to meet up with them cause I'm always burnt out at the end of the day.

3)Let's not talk bout friends coming back from Timbaktoo.Talk bout the friends staying on this forsaken land itself.Still not much time cause again,I'm burnt out.Weekends are my sleep in days (and flu days)

4)I don't see the sun anymore.I go in when the sun is rising,I leave when the sun is or has set.Why is the sun important? Cause I love the sun.Sunshine makes me happy.Ironically,my favourite kinddie song happens to run like this :
You are my sunshine
My only sunshine
You make me happy
When skies are grey
You'l never know dear
How much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away
Which also explains why I love goin to islands when I'm on holiday and why I love being in the sun more than cooped up in uni's North Pole or anywhere else.Also explains why I hate cold and welcome the sweat and heat anytime of the day,sans when I'm sleeping.

So,bring out some blast from the past stuffs..
And because I am lazy to edit the picstures,I shall stop here.

And partly also because my bed's calling me to lie down..


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