Saturday, September 26, 2009

Troubles and woes..

So I is back in Seremban again..
Sad and depressing to come back...
Having attachments issues....

And I thought moving to Seremban was gonna be fun and exciting.
Not that it isn't but,I guess I'm still kinda attached to HOME.My KL Home,with my room and bed,and familiar halls,familiar streets.Despite the fact that its kinda empty at the moment.But still,its HOME...

And better part yet,I didn't come home alone.
Yup,I came back with a good old friend called Viral infection!NO its not H1N1,its just a throat infection. Think I contracted it when I was in KL.Now my throat hurts,and I mean REALLY hurts to the point I cant swallow even water properly or breathe coz it feels like someone poured kerosine down my throat and lighted it.Pharyngeal walls are nicely inflammed and itchy too.
Better part,from the sorethroat I'm now having a terrible blocked nose which makes it EVEN MORE impossible to breathe.
Me and my wonderfully dysfunctional body.
To add the cream on this wonderful cake,I have a mini evaluation on Monday with my mentor on how I clerk pateints.Brownie points to anyone who can tell me how I'm gonna communicate with them when I cant even open my mouth without screwing up my face in pain,and thats JUST opening my mouth.Don't ask how I look when I want to eat,drink or breathe deeply to compensate my blocked nose.

Sometimes,I feel like it really sucks having to be the 'evil' person.The mean person who has nothing nice coming out from his/her tougue.No one likes being that kind of person.But i feel like sometimes,its not a matter of choice but more of duty or the situation calls for it.And u know that by being mean,certain barriers will be broken and perceptions will change,and probably,consequences too.
I really don't want to be a mean person,really.I hate being mean.
But I think I have to now cause people are starting to step over my head and think I'm an idiot just cause I don't say anything when they do but silently hope that they'l not do it again. This is in HUGE regards to my landlord and his electrician who has done nothing but gave empty promises of coming to fix the house and the heater.Yes,we're still stuck with icy cold showers.The Raya week would have been perfect to get things done but I guess,even chinese and indians want to berRaya too.

How am I gonna talk to them if my throat is like this?


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