Friday, March 13, 2009

Home Coming and one less emo post!

Guess who's coming back to Malaysian soil ( but at such an ungodly hour of the day)...

Juju : Who? *while blissfully sipping her teh-tarik*


I'm so happy I could fly to the moon and back now..

But at 6am on the morning >_<
My beauty slp time...huhu. But for juju,Me is willing to go to airport and see her back.YESH YESH!!! WHEE!!! *jumps,jumps*

I miss my juju.
So happy she's coming home..
So thats one thing to brighten up my emo blog
*cough cough to andrew the kepo*

Hrm,looking back at the picture,I wonder if the cat's coming along too. Just what I need to relieve my stress at the moment.. *evil grinz*

Now got motivation to study...

1 comment:

Juriana said...

h a big picture of my mug