Saturday, December 13, 2008


I'm leaving...On a ...BUS-SY
Dunno know when I'l be back again..
Oh BED I hate to let you go...

Leaving for kuantan tomorrow afternoon...

Gonna miss my bolster hubby coz so paiseh to bring him along in the bus..The agony of not hugging him to slp..The endless nights of discomfort and suffering..Huhu!!!

Shall bribe me dad to bring him down for me *Evil grinz*
Or is there akind soul who's heading to kuantan and wldn mind bringing my hubby for me?He'l be really quiet in the car,u wldn even know his there >_<
Dun worry,his CLEAN K!!! Cause i sleep with him everynight so must make sure his clean if not I'l never wake up to a new day..

Rainy weather...So nice to slp slp...

Miss climbing Klang Gates already :P Think I'm suppose to be a monkey,not human.Anyone for January to go on a death climb with me? >_<