Friday, December 5, 2008

Picture alert!!!

So fast, another year comes to an end with a blink of an eye.Seems like life this year's been packed with more things to do :exams,constant studying,relationships gone astray,making new friends,more adventures (cheerleading was one of them..phew) and so many more.

Seems hard to capture it all in a memory box sometimes.At times,I wish I had this constant video camera running through my eyes that captures every second of what i see so that i can just sit back and watch it roll in years to come since i tend to forget things at times.Memories i desperately want to hold on too always slips away and those that i dun want to always stays.Sigh,something wrong with my brain liaw...

So.some things going on recently ....

Warning though,I tend to have WORDY post alot then all of the sudden,I'l hit the blog real hard with pics coz i'm lazy to wait for it to load when i'm blogging before exams :P
So,You've been warned :)

1)Recruitment Drive Day for Adventure Club- where the only adventure u get is waiting for something to clubs,always suck cause mostly run by medic students who have nothing in mond but to study,study and STUDY coz at the end of the day,you fail its BYE BYE!!
Empty board with no pics.
Ian : Don't take my pic.You take you pay....(Sky : Opps,too bad...)

Mich proud that SOMETHING is up on the board besides the huge wooden words..lolz
Noobs who tried to steal our board coz theirs was boring and empty...
Tjunhoe applyin his marketing skills to work when recruiting Juniors to the club.
TH : Be a member and go for 2 events free..2 don't want meh??

Yea,his face not very convincing i know :P
Because we had to skip lunch to man the booth,this is the result from extreme hunger when we had to jaga booth (though i'm not sure from what as there's nothing to steal except pictures and pens...) and from applying forceful-marketing skills (which most of us lack coz we're medic students unelss we are suppose to sell oursleves..then again) and chasing known juniors and dragging them to the booth to pen their names down...

2)Cheer leading...yupz,i know i mentioned it earlier but..didn't post up pics coz was lazy :P
The night before the big day,Mich and i attempted to meditate to be at peace...
Just us gals goofing around for the fun of it.Yes,mich was the only one who could split..
Sexy versus cutie..both equally hot.Guys who want their names and number,leave me a note on the C-Box and i'l get back to ya asap :) oh yea,their both single :P *runs for cover from both*
I love hugging this adorable walking doll.She's extremely,beyond doubt the cutest gal i know :) me love me chipiemunkie sister!!!
My darts babe partner who's also quite a hottie and alil notty *smacks her ass*
hehe...sorry,she's taken :P
love her to bits too!!

3)Then there was Yeen's surprise birthday.Right after our exams,we had a shopping mad rush to get her a present and hunt for mask as it was a Masquerade.Took the time to do alil shopping of my own with some gals and made amazing discoveries.Midvalley is crap now.New shipping heaven : PYRAMID!! haha,in particular the Asian Avenue :P yes,i know its all LaLa clothes.But thats cause you never look hard enough.THERE ARE Great bargains there for unbelievable prices (plus,who couldn't love them when i had qianhui to bargain for me..teehee,me love me mummy qianie)
So after all that shopping and walking....came the big D-Day of surprise..
On that day,gathered at Alyie's place to get ready (i love her COZY!!!hehe)
Alyie and chloe getting ready....I was done so i had NBTD but...snap snap snap.. *grinz*

Chloe with her cute right?? *squeeze hugs her*
Our masks.Clockwise from top right : Alyies, Qianhui, Chloe, Mine....

Alyie,Mich and I goofing in the toilet...shaky hands :P
They were playing really sad,suicidal songs in the toilet.Very discouraging if ur hiding there and planning to suicide coz the song actually prompts you to do it even more...
While waiting for the birthday girl,everyone was warming up their camera so...why not ?:)

Ah liang looking *ahem*..gals,leave ur number in the c-box :P
The babes...waiting for the princess of the hour
A somewhat family portrait :) *ignore my fat legs..its hideous i know,i'm working on it*
Devan,my notty son who wants another mummy.Me so sad..huhu,but still sayang him.Sigh...

Yes,the famous sales man from the earlier pics.My noble steed :) hehe...and me babes' darling.
Mummy Aveena...Need i say more or does the pic speak nothing at all? luf u!!I love her kwel!!
Darling Dajie!So sexy that night...*woof whistle* Her mask is the coolest coz its got 2 colours..jealousnya!!
Who kenot love this wacky darling who makes life hard to live without without laughing for a second.Sexy also right ?*grinz*
Orientation for M108 family portrait :) more of less since some of the members were missing *hint,hint to yenyen*
With the IMU babes since sem1.Huggies!!!!
One of the very few batch geniuses..feel so small just sitting beside him >_<
Captain of M107 cheer squad :) love this babe too (Note : Not the same love as her boiboi so,FVZ don't misunderstand yah ) ALSO my brokeback movie partner *winkz*
PM of Negara SohSiLing...hehe..
Emo JoJo..not so emo that day.Wonder why though..hehe..
(I still want my chocolates...nice JoJo)
Me darling Tissy...huggies!!!So pretty rite :)
And finally a pic with lio...i mean yenyen :) *hehe,love ya gurl*
And after a MUCH log wait for the princess of the day to be free....
We were actually on the way to Euphoria ledi when we managed to snag her away from the impending paparazi's to be.. Conned into thinking its just the few of us gals going to Euphoria for her birthday...lolz..
She's the on in BROWN!!!

There's still more to come but i'm lazy to wait for it to load...Will put it up when I'm not so lazy later la...Mau hibernate now..


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