Sunday, December 28, 2008

My dream job....

So i was bored and decided since i have so much time at the moment,how bout surfing the net bout my future dream job. Refer to the Wish list and there's only ONE occupation dream there.

Yes,my dream is to be a trauma specialist/ A&E specialist. Yes,it also sounds like those GP or MO's in the hospitals working in the A&E but wait,they have a higher authority than most specialist and are more trained than anyone in dealing with various cases from peads to geriatrics,cardiac to renal.EVERYTHING!! And they are more trained in the resus area.I know it sounds glamourous (or to some,suidical) but thats the beauty that draws me so much to it.I'm not the kind that sticks to one thing and die with it.I love challenges and variety in everything I do.To a certain extend,I kinda love working under stress (don't ask why) which kinda explains why I have this tendency to get my hands into alot of things and juggle them like mad or that I tend to do things alil last minute or on the spot.

Anyway,enough of all that.Want to know more...its all here.
Trauma specialist

So yeah,if you read that article,you'l notice the line of obstacles i need to overcome to become a consultant in that field.And that is where my heart almost stopped.The training in the A&E I look forward too.But counting the years and not to mention,taking things from the maximun years cause i know i can never finish it in the minimal time.AND Not to mention the stoopid 2 years houseman training in Malaysia.Really considering running to US and screw my Malaysian license.But so far,i cant find a hospital in the US in the net that gives A&E training :(

Then something more dishearting came up...
Read this

Gila wei.If i don't get training in UK i'm doomed cause the MCEM paper is Uk based >_< style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(102, 0, 0);">it excites me more..
I'm crazy right?!
And on top of that,I have to complete the housemanship in Malaysia cause i need the damn license.Sigh....

Must work towards my goal.And nothing will stop me from it.YES!!!*tries to motivate myself desperately*
I know i'm planning way too early but hey,nothing wrong with preparing in advance right?

Though,i still have this nagging feeling I'm gonna be throwing my life away for this dream.Lil sacrifices that I will have to make that will affect my future like relationships,family and probably social life??!

Maybe I should just focus on EOS 5 at the moment...hehe..

Dreaming away now for it to come true.This and THAT!!*winkz*

Lazy to load pics so its a wordy post...lalala...

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