Friday, October 17, 2008

My Movie list...

I always whined right before exams that i need to watch a whole list of movies to destress myself from all that heavy work yet somehow,once the exams are done with and my pens and notes have been stashed haphazardly under my bed to add to my dust collection,I tend to sway and forget bout my dream movie list (that constantly grows depending on my mood) until come the next exams and the beautiful cycle starts all over again.

I decided to list out some of the movies I've been really keen to watch,and of course,yet to watch otherwise there's no point in having this pinning for it...

*drum roll*

1)Yes the title says it all.I'm a sucker for English romance plus a cool heroine in it.More likely to say,I'm a sucker for Jane Austen's work.I already own (illegally) a copy of her most prized work,Pride and Prejudice BBC version which is SOOO much better than the 2005 one and already that DVD has never ceased to run in my player when I'm bored and need idiot box entertainment.
I haven't even read the book yet cause I've yet to get a hold of a copy myself.Some fan of Jane Austen I am...
One of a kind :)

Why 2 different posters?
Cause one was in 1995 and directed by Ang Lee while the latter is the BBC production that just recently aired in the US and consist of 3 parts (but apparently did not get that good a review cause the writer swayed alot from the original like the small sex scene in the beginning,so i read..)
Besides,since there's 2 production might as well watch both*grinz*
I still,and always have, love Mr Darcy from the 1995 one,Colin Firth...
3)Yes,as corny as it may sound,I always had an ickling to watch this movie since there is that whole hoo-haa bout the gay theme in it.I'm more of curious than a fan of it to want to watch gay movies like this.
This I gotten the influence to watch from Michelle Lee :P (yes,I name thee...haha)

4)Again another movie recommended by dear Michelle Lee :) So she claims,its the best romantic movie ever to watch cause she cried due to its touching love story.
Yes,again I'm a bit of a sucker for love stories but heck,who isn't?
I maybe a sadist by speech and actions but i have my non-sadist moments too.After all,I'm Human!!!

6)The ever so famous "Romeo,oh Romeo,where for art thou?" line came from here :)
Always managed to catch snipets of it on Astro and I've been ikling to watch the entire thing cause its not the contriversial Shakespearean era with those funny puffed sleeves and dresses that sweeps the streets etc.The language used is the classical Shakespearean but with a twist of modern touch to it.Pwetty cool :P

Heard that this was a really good movie from one of those bloggy reviews.Seems like a pretty touching story bout Alzheimer's Disease.Hrm...medically related movie :D
Very tearful too,something which goes with my mood on and off.Really don't mind since I need an excuse to give my tearducts a run once in awhile,just to make sure its functioning and my ducts are not blocked from atrophy :P

Hehe,again another Jane Austen novel adaption.And because they always remake these kind of shows,again must watch both!! :) Only a fan of Jane's work can see eye to eye with me on this..

8) A cousin recommended this to me since I had this undying love for Disney's movies (Confession time again,I'm a sucker for Disney's classic). See,it even won an award for BEST PICTURE OF THE YEAR!! :) Looks nice,no?

When it came out in 1998,there was also this big hoo-haa bout how good and how bad the movie was.Back then,I was kinda under-aged to see it so i never got to kill my curiosity bout what the big deal this movie was all bout.So,now that I'm of WAYYY legal age :) This is one of those movies that always slip my mind until I oneday happen to chance upon something that jogs my memory bout it.

I saw this once when I was a kid somehow.I loved the garden scene and the music that played in the background.Can't remember much bout what the movie was about thats why i want to watch it again.Was spured to find this movie again when I chanced upon a collection album in Popular recently that had the exact same title but was obviously of different content.

Hrm,was sure I made it up to 10++ movies but my brain kinda lost track of it after awhile and with all that searching for the posters on the internet.Oh well,one things for sure,this post will be constantly updated when i remember what other movies there are that lingers at the back of my rusty and dusty brain that I always made a note to watch but as usual,FORGET.
Can't blame me for my brain's power slowing down though.Think i past the prime age where it was suppose to work optimumly and am now in that deteriorating phase.

Gonna read Eragon now *grinz*
11) Found another movie while randomly browsing movies to watch sites and i found something that is just my kind,at least I'd like to think so...Couldn't resist it and now i'm aching to watch it that i'm desperately trying to download it...
Nostalgia alert!!!!!
Something that is close to my childhood but has been extended to make room for a new addition to its family....
Cursing utorrent now cause its so hard to find a loader i can rely on...GAH!!!

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