Sunday, October 26, 2008

air topic fineto~~~

Yes,the great Sky has completed her wretched air topic out of sheer determination to not leave work till the last minute.And also because on the day we're suppose to submit that piece of crap,we have exams so don't think i can plunder through the work load without making sure my will has been finalized *winkz to those who gets my drift*

After one whole day of shuffling through all that crap from the sites quoted to resource from (to those who have yet to do so,PLEASE don't waste ur time just printing everything.What you need barely reaches 2 pages long if u squeeze it all into font size 10,Times and double page it,TRUST ME!! Just take the paragraphs that is required and for that,refer to that paper that IMU graciously printed for us,one of the few gracious things they do as opposed to the list they DON"T do for us which runs probably at this rate,round the world thrice??) i finally managed to crap my way through Kidney Transplant and sent it on its way to some poor lecturer who will probably have their heads spinning from my non-comprehandable summary, or giving them the every excuse to give me a C- or lower cause they can probably tell it was done just for the sake of getting it over and done with.

Dunno,Don't care!!!

All i care bout is ITS DONE!!!
*dance dance*

Now,me can study in peace and well,just aim to finish my notes one time round,at least.

Waiting for C2O to call me with my new player...GAH!!!! its been 4 months already since they held my player and constantly telling me that my new player is 'On the way".

Yea,yea...from where?? Timbaktoo??!!!

Supposedly,the new player arrives faster than the previous (there's a whole long and boring yet frustrating story behind it that i'm lazy to blog bout now). Maybe it'l arrived faster since it'l come before the end of the year as oppose to the previous one which will probably come next year thats why they say its faster.Sigh...

And i was a fan of Creative products.Think my ratings for it just dropped by 10 already.And its continuing to do so until i get my new player!!!!

Sigh again...

Still feeling emo....

Stoopid hormones...

~Currently listening to Rihanna's Take a Bow~
Adding to my emo-ness listening to that song.My player's been randoming on emo songs the entire day.

Why so cruel??!!!!!!

Pretty fireworks just outside my window.
Great,thats gonna keep me awake the entire night and distracted from my work....
Before i forget..


*sits at window to watch fireworks like the idiot i am*

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